The trusted carbon accounting software for the UK finance industry

Carbon accountancy software with SECR reporting for UK finance businesses

Complex reporting made simple with Gaia

Overcome the unique challenges faced by the finance industry when reporting on carbon emissions

Scope 3 Emissions

Manage your indirect emissions from investments

Finance businesses primarily deal with indirect emissions (Scope 3) from their investments and financial products. Measuring the carbon footprint of portfolios, loans, and investments requires detailed data from a wide range of industries and companies, making it complex to aggregate and analyse. Finance sustainability leaders use Gaia Carbon Accounting to centralise this data and provide accurate reports.

Regulatory Compliance

Comply with the UK's Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR)

Generate compliance reports, including the Streamlined Energy and Carbon Report (SECR), at the click of a button. Gaia Carbon Accounting has out of the box best practice built-in as standard, enabling you to generate reports quickly and easily with data you can trust.

Supply Chain Transparency

Manage diverse sources of upstream and downstream emissions

Understanding the carbon footprint of the entire supply chain, including indirect emissions from suppliers and clients, requires a high level of transparency. Finance businesses often lack visibility into the full supply chain of their investments. Gaia provides a platform to single centralised view of emission data.

See the carbon accounting software for UK finance businesses in action

Trusted climate data

Climate data you can trust

The Gaia Carbon Accounting platform is aligned with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG Protocol) methodology ensuring best practice. Gaia uses the leading industry standard data to calculate your carbon emissions, including the annual UK GHG conversion factors provided by DEFRA and DESNZ.

AI-powered carbon accounting software

Faster data collection with AI

Save time by leveraging Gaia Carbon Accounting's AI to remove much of the admin burden associated with collecting and reporting on carbon emissions.